
Aug 24, 2010

campur tolak darab bahagi

Aug 24, 2010
MESSY!!!! hr ni seme feeling ade.... just mntk kt Allah agar tenangkn + tenteramkn hati ak saat nih n selamanya...Insyaallah. 

what make me sad? when my dcision is in da middle of my fmily...pe2 pun still fmily especially my mom's feeling is my priority... so why i hve to think about it again n again? juz let it go k... there must be a hikmah disblik seme nih.lgpun ptunjuk dr Allah dh diminta...n ak kena perlu lebih tabah je...B.E. S.T.R.O.N.G.!!!

what make me hepi? when my duty is accomplished...need to handle iftor batch today.n hopefully seme kwn2 enjoy.huhu... i'm not perfect k! but still i do my very best for evrybody... =). one more thing here juz to highlight dat i manage to make 'onde2' dgn jayanya for my frenzs tuk bukak pose.hehe.... sdap x? kalu sdap order dbuka skrg  k! kalu x...wat senyap2 doh la yerk! hihi...

credits to yana n huda 4 helping me...hihi

what make me nervous aka gabra? hehe...its secret dowh.i juz can't let u all noe...juz think what make a girl bcome gabra??? think urself lol! haha..

k la...nk smbung study PTC esk ade kuiz...huhu. pray for our best =)

1 ngomelan:

hudaidris...... said...

haha. ade orang kate x sedp masin sgt. diam2 jeloh. hukhuk

nani reti cakap dowh leni..huhu nnti wat kuih lg ek

sy ingtnye bro dapat gop, upenye x kot. sian diorang nak rase tp x dpt