
May 1, 2010

it's May...

May 1, 2010

many 'day' r been celebrate in MAY...
mother's day..teacher's day..
n also labor day...

today is 1st May...
today is labor  day..
today is rest day to all workers...
today is da day given for their deeds....
today is when they r really appreciate...

lets google!

it's a day filled wif smiley... =)

they deserve for it....

...siapakah lcturers w/out students???

lets enjoy!!! woa3...

its true....

:: been thinking bout what should i do dis coming 5th's mother's day lol... need both of my 'bujang' siss who'r in kuantn rite noe...but they will only come back dis friday..huhu..

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